"Enemy, When you work up to 62 years old" means "육이오" in Korean.

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Pronunciation yu-gi-o
meaning Enemy, When you work up to 62 years old
To 62-year-old, new word that represents the harsh reality about called enemy in the company and to work. Date on the Korean War which broke out 6.25.
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Korean(Pronunciation) Meaning
육이오 전쟁(chousen-sensou), 6.25戦争, 韓国戦争 Korean War
  • Company
  • work, careers
  • Duties and positions
  • Accounts
  • Occupation
  • Industry, business
  • Hospitality
  • Finance
  • Economy
  • Company name
  • Marketing
  • Agriculture
  • Korean of "Company"

  • 메뉴얼(manual)
  • 도산(bankruptcy)
  • 사장(boss)
  • 승진(advance)
  • 수입(revenue)
  • 회사(company)
  • 부문(sector)
  • 잡무(miscellaneous business)
  • 보수(reward)
  • 급여(pay)
  • 부하 직원(junior staff)
  • 찰러리맨(Who also live in depend..
  • 후원사()
  • 서명(signature)
  • 혁신(innovation)
  • 위기관리(crisis management)
  • 파업(strike)
  • 지점(branch)
  • 초과 근무 수당(overtime pay)
  • 이력서(resume)
  • < more >
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