Duties and positions,word list

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Duties and positions
Duties and positions
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
경리 kyŏng-ni accounting
지점장 chi-jŏm-jang branch manager
회장 hoe-jang chairman
직무 ching-mu duty
종업원 chong-ŏ-bwŏn employee
고용하다 ko-yong-ha-da engage
중역 chung-yŏk executive
프리 pŭ-ri freelancer
총무 chong-mu general affairs
실장 shil-tchang head of a department
부장 pu-jang head of department
과장 kwa-jang manager
경영자 kyŏng-yŏng-ja manager
사원 sa-wŏn member of the staff
직원 chi-gwŏn member of the staff
정사원 chŏng-sa-wŏn regular employee
간사 kan-sa secretary
점장 shop manager
상사 san-sa superior
고문 ko-mun torture
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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