"empty talk" means "빈말" in Korean.

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빈말, 인사치레
Category Home  > Living > Thanks, Sorry, Language, Noun, Level 5-6
Pronunciation pin-mal
meaning empty talk
"empty talk" is "빈말"(pin-mal) in Korean.
  • Greeting
  • Thanks, Sorry
  • Question, Response
  • Living
  • Housing & real estate
  • House, room
  • Livingware
  • The name of shop
  • Shopping
  • Health
  • Home appliances
  • Celebration & Events
  • Laundry
  • Childcare & child-rearing
  • Mail, telephone
  • Accidents & trouble
  • Incidents & crime
  • Disaster
  • Korean of "Thanks, Sorry"

  • 감사하다(appreciate)
  • 죄송해요(I'm sorry.)
  • 용서(forgiveness)
  • 고맙다(thankful)
  • 죄송합니다(I'm sorry.)
  • 감사합니다(Thank you.)
  • 사죄(apology)
  • 고마워요(Thank you)
  • 고마워(thank you)
  • 빈말(empty talk)
  • 사과(apology)
  • 죄송(sorry)
  • 신세(care)
  • 감사(thanks)
  • 죄송하다(I'm sorry.)
  • 천만에요(You're welcome.)
  • 미안합니다(I am sorry.)
  • 용서하다(forgive)
  • < more >
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