"delivery" means "배달" in Korean.

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Pronunciation pae-dal
meaning delivery
"delivery" is "배달"(pae-dal) in Korean.
Related words
Korean(Pronunciation) Meaning
신문 배달(simbun-haitatsu) newspaper delivery
  • Cooking method
  • Food, Ingredients
  • Kitchen supplies
  • taste
  • korean Food
  • Other cuisine
  • Meal
  • Restaurant
  • Drink, liquor
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Meat
  • Candy, Suites
  • Korean of "Meal"

  • 후식(dessert)
  • 유기농식(organic food)
  • 도시락(box lunch)
  • 런치 세트(lunch set)
  • 불판(hot grill)
  • 음식(food)
  • 맛있어요(delicious)
  • 배가 부르다(be full)
  • 간식(snack)
  • 맛있게 드세요()
  • 식당가(cafeteria street)
  • 야식(midnight snack)
  • 채식(vegetarian diet)
  • 국(soup)
  • 배달(delivery)
  • 명물 요리(famous food)
  • 식습관(eating habits)
  • 요리법(the art of cooking)
  • 점심 식사(luncheon)
  • 아침밥(breakfast)
  • < more >
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