"anniversary" means "기념일" in Korean.

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Pronunciation ki-nyŏ-mil
meaning anniversary
"anniversary" is "기념일"(ki-nyŏ-mil) in Korean.
Related words
Korean(Pronunciation) Meaning
개교기념일(kaiko-kinembi), 創立記念日, 開学記念日 school anniversary
결혼기념일(kekkon-kinembi) wedding anniversary
  • Greeting
  • Thanks, Sorry
  • Question, Response
  • Living
  • Housing & real estate
  • House, room
  • Livingware
  • The name of shop
  • Shopping
  • Health
  • Home appliances
  • Celebration & Events
  • Laundry
  • Childcare & child-rearing
  • Mail, telephone
  • Accidents & trouble
  • Incidents & crime
  • Disaster
  • Korean of "Celebration & Events"

  • 칠석(star festival)
  • 기념일(anniversary)
  • 추모식(memorial service)
  • 잔치(party)
  • 국경일(national holiday)
  • 꽃놀이(cherry blossom viewing)
  • 근로자의 날(Labor Day)
  • 생일(birthday)
  • 세레모니(ceremony)
  • 사은회(thank-you party)
  • 환영회(welcome party)
  • 새해(new year)
  • 장례식(funeral)
  • 식전(ceremony)
  • 망년회(end-of-year party)
  • 친목회(social gathering)
  • 축의금(money gift)
  • 박람회(exhibition)
  • 초대장(invitation card)
  • 고별식(final service)
  • < more >
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