"teaching materials" means "교재" in Korean.

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Category Home  > Education > Study and learning, Noun, Level 2-3
Pronunciation kyo-jae
meaning teaching materials
"teaching materials" is "교재"(kyo-jae) in Korean.
  • Education
  • School
  • University
  • Study and learning
  • Test
  • Science
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  • Language
  • Foreign words
  • Korean of "Study and learning"

  • 교재(teaching materials)
  • 필기(note)
  • 시험 공부(preparing for an exam)
  • 학습법(method of learning)
  • 숙제(homework)
  • 탐구하다(explore)
  • 영어 학원(cram school)
  • 독서실(reading room)
  • 읽기(reading)
  • 학원(private educational insti..
  • 백과사전(encyclopedia)
  • 열공(study hard)
  • 수험 공부(preparing for an entra..
  • 어학교(language school)
  • 자습(self study)
  • 복습(review)
  • 참고서(reference book)
  • 집중력(concentration)
  • 어학연수(language study abroad)
  • 단어장(vocabulary)
  • < more >
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