Level 5-6,word list

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Level 5-6
Level 5-6
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
사슬 sa-sŭl chain
연쇄 yŏn-swae chain reaction
분필 pun-pil chalk
카멜레온 ka-mel-le-on chameleon
샴페인 syam-pe-in champagne
경로 kyŏng-no channel
혼돈 hon-don chaos
특성 tŭk-ssŏng characteristic
숯불 sut-ppul charcoal fire
자선 cha-sŏn charity
애교 ae-gyo charm
도표 to-pyo chart
값비싸다 kap-ppi-ssa-da cheap
바람피우다 pa-ram-pi-u-da cheat on
점검 chŏm-gŏm check
환호성 hwan-ho-sŏng cheer
갈채 kal-chae cheer
치타 chi-ta cheetah
장기 chang-gi chess
장롱 chang-nong chest
쫄깃쫄깃하다 chewy
우두머리 u-du-meo-ri chief
소인 so-in child
아동 학대 a-dong-hak-ttae child abuse
출산 chul-ssan childbirth
양육비 child-rearing expenses
자녀분 cha-nyŏ-bun children
머리를 식히다 mŏ-ri-rŭl shi-ki-da chill out
굴뚝 kul-ttuk chimney
한방 han-bang chinese medicine
부추 pu-chu chives
콜레라 kol-le-ra cholera
콜레스테롤 kol-le-sŭ-te-rol cholesterol
기독교 ki-dok-kkyo christianity
염색체 yŏm-saek-che chromosome
고질적 ko-jil-chŏk chronic
만성질환 man-sŏng-jir-hwan chronic disease
파벌 pa-bŏl cilque
계피 kye-pi cinnamon
원형 wŏn-hyŏng circle
순환하다 sun-hwan-ha-da circulate
정황 chŏng-hwang circumstance
감귤류 citrus
투시력 tu-shi-ryŏk clairvoyant power
고전 ko-jŏn classical english
세정액 se-jŏng-aek cleaning solution
명백하다 myŏng-bae-ka-da clear
절벽 chŏl-byŏk cliff
낭떠러지 nang-ttŏ-rŏ-ji cliff
고온 다습 ko-on-da-sŭp climate of high temperature and high humidity
거머쥐다 kŏ-mŏ-jwi-da clinch
의복 ui-bok clothes
실마리 sil-ma-ri clue
단서 tan-sŏ clue
어설프다 ŏ-sŏl-pŭ-da coarse
꼬끼오 kko-kki-o cock-a-doodle-doo
꼬막 kko-mak cockle
바퀴벌레 pa-kwi-bŏl-le cockroach
대구 tae-gu cod
휘감다 hwi-gam-tta coil
푸대접 pu-dae-jŏp cold treatment
냉해 naeng-hae cold-weather damage
파국 pa-guk collapse
수능 su-nŭng college scholastic ability test
추돌 chu-dol collision
콜론 kol-lon colon
대장균 tae-jang-gyun colon bacillus
식민지 sing-min-ji colony
통합 tong-hap combination
합병 hap-ppyŏng combination
통합하다 tong-ha-pa-da combine
겸용 kyŏ-myong combined use
혜성 hye-sŏng comet
안락 al-lak comfort
위안 wi-an comfort
쾌적하다 kwae-jŏ-ka-da comfortable
강남 갔던 제비가 돌아오다 Coming of spring
지휘 chi-hwi command
지휘하다 chi-hwi-ha-da command
일내다 il-lae-da commit
위원회 wi-wŏn-hoe committee
관용 kwa-nyong common use
반려동물 pal-lyŏ-dong-mul companion animal
사택 sa-taek company housing
비유하다 pi-yu-ha-da compare
배상 pae-sang compensation
정반대 chŏng-ban-dae complete opposite
쾌유 kwae-yu complete recovery
콤플렉스 kom-peul-lek-seu complex
번잡하다 pŏn-ja-pa-da complicated
합병증 hap-ppyŏng-tchŭng complications
구성하다 ku-sŏng-ha-da compose
타협 ta-hyŏp compromise
개념 kae-nyŏm concept
간결하다 kan-gyŏr-ha-da concise
체결 che-gyŏl conclusion
실시하다 sil-si-ha-da conduct
국한하다 ku-kan-ha-da confine
갈등 kal-ttŭng conflict
맞대응 mat-ttae-ŭng confrontation
유교 yu-gyo confucianism
정복 chŏng-bok conquest
자각하다 cha-ga-ka-da conscious
보수적 po-su-jŏk conservative
위자료 wi-ja-ryo consolation money
거듭되다 kŏ-dŭp-ttoe-da constant
한결같이 han-gyŏl-ga-chi constantly
성좌 sŏng-jwa constellation
법치국가 pŏp-chi-guk-kka constitutional state
건설적 kŏn-sŏl-tchŏk constructive
진료 chi-llyo consultation
소모하다 so-mo-ha-da consume
접촉하다 chŏp-cho-ka-da contact
접촉 contact
전염 chŏ-nyŏm contagion
경멸 kyŏng-myŏl contempt
겨루다 kyŏ-ru-da contest
대륙붕 tae-ryuk-ppung continental shelf
지속적 chi-sok-tchŏk continuous
피임 pi-im contraception
대조 tae-jo contrast
대조하다 tae-jo-ha-da contrast
공헌하다 kong-hŏn-ha-da contribute
투고 tu-go contribution
성금 sŏng-gŭm contribution
통제 tong-je control
관제탑 kwan-je-tap control tower
환금 hwan-gŭm conversion
전환 chŏn-hwan conversion
납득 nap-ttŭk conviction
경련 kyŏng-nyŏn convulsion
쿠키 Kuki cookie
협력하다 hyŏm-nyŏ-ka-da cooperate
협업 hyŏ-bŏp cooperation
합동하다 hap-ttong-ha-da coordinate
대처하다 tae-chŏ-ha-da cope
사본 sa-bon copy
재첩 chae-chŏp corbicula
교정하다 kyo-jŏng-ha-da correct
부정부패 pu-jŏng-bu-pae corruption
메이크 me-i-kŭ cosmetics
코스모스 ko-sŭ-mo-sŭ cosmos
면봉 myŏn-bong cotton swab
초읽기 cho-il-kki countdown
재향 chae-hyang countryside
진로 chi-llo course
날개없는 추락 Crash with no wings, such as experience and authority fall like crazy.
가재 ka-jae crawfish
삐걱삐걱 ppi-gŏk-ppi-gŏk creak
창출 chang-chul creation
창의력 chang-ŭi-ryŏk creativity
신조 shin-jo creed
승무원 sŭng-mu-wŏn crewman
귀뚜라미 kwi-ttu-ra-mi cricket
범죄자 pŏm-joe-ja criminal
위기관리 wi-gi-gwal-li crisis management
척도 chŏk-tto criterion
비평 pi-pyŏng criticism
조기 cho-gi croaker
군중 kun-jung crowd
대미를 장식하다 crown
황태자 hwang-tae-ja crown prince
상스럽다 sang-sŭ-rŏp-tta crude
잔인하다 cha-nin-ha-da cruel
참혹하다 cham-ho-ka-da cruel
학대 hak-ttae cruelty
퍼석퍼석하다 crumbly
압사 ap-ssa crushing death
목발 mok-ppal crutch
수정 su-jŏng crystal
뻐꾸기 ppŏ-kku-gi cuckoo
경작 kyŏng-jak cultivation
약아빠지다 ya-ga-ppa-ji-da cunning
교활하다 kyo-hwar-ha-da cunning
풍습 pung-sŭp custom
세관 신고서 se-gwan shin-go-sŏ customs declaration
오리다 o-ri-da cut out
최첨단 choe-chŏm-dan cutting edge
유제품 yu-je-pum dairy products
훼손 hwe-son damage
손해 son-hae damage
담대하다 tam-dae-ha-da daring
원점 wŏn-tchŏm datum
따님 tta-nim daughter
기일 ki-il death anniversary
존엄사 cho-nŏm-sa death with dignity
임종 im-jong deathbed
쇠퇴하다 soe=toe-ha-da decay
고상하다 ko-sang-ha-da decent
결정력 kyŏl-tchŏng-nyŏk decision power
사퇴 sa-toe declination
저출산 chŏ-chul-ssan declining birth rates
장식하다 chang-shi-ka-da decorate
감색 kam-saek deep blue
패배 pae-bae defeat
물리치다 mul-li-chi-da defeat
패배하다 pae-bae-ha-da defeat
수비 su-bi defense
학위 ha-gwi degree
탈수 tal-su dehydration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  [>] (3/11)
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Level 5-6
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