Medical equipment , tools,word list

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Medical equipment
Medical equipment , tools
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
탈지면 tal-tchi-myŏn absorbent cotton
붕대 pung-dae bandage
목발 mok-ppal crutch
링거 주사 ring-gŏ ju-sa drop of water
심전도 shim-jŏn-do electrocardiogram
내시경 nae-shi-gyŏng endoscope
구급상자 ku-gŭp-ssang-ja first-aid kit
거즈 kŏ-jŭ gauze
가제 ka-je gauze
주사 chu-sa injection
메스 me-sŭ scalpel
chim spit
청진기 chŏng-jin-gi stethoscope
들것 tŭl-kkŏt stretcher
탐폰 tam-pon tampon
테이핑 te-i-ping taping
체온계 che-on-gye thermometer
온도계 on-do-gye thermometer
핀셋 pin-set tweezers
물베개 mul-be-gae water pillow
휠체어 hwil-che-ŏ wheelchair
The same category :Medicine
Medical and hospital Medical equipment
Examination and inspection Illness and symptoms
Therapy Drug
Chinese medicine, herbal
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